Registration is now open for our 2nd Annual UF/FACCC Health, Benefits and Retirement Conference, to be held at Diablo Valley College on Friday March 16, 2012, 8am-4:30pm. This free all-day conference includes breakfast and lunch, and all are welcome, including spouses.
This year, we have 12 workshops from which you may choose, with topics ranging from home finances, investment strategies and estate planning to retirement check-ups, Social Security and Medicare to health benefits and leaves. Our keynote speaker, Ed Derman, Deputy CEO of CalSTRS, will speak on “CalSTRS and Public Pension Reform. Is Your Retirement Secure?” We’ll also have a State-of-the-State Budget Update, vendors from all sorts of investment brokers and health care providers, even a massage booth!
To register, go to : Or click here and the link will open in a new window: Register Here.
Space is limited so register soon!
The schedule for the event here: CONFERENCE SCHEDULE.
Last year’s Benefits/Retirement Conference was a big success. This year is looking even better! We have scheduled something useful for everyone, from new hires to almost-retirees. I hope to see you there! (Oh, and by the way, the event counts as a 5-hour flex activity at CCC and DVC as well.)