Updating our collection of responses to the Student Success Task Force Recommendations, here is a link to FACCC’s Student Success Resource page, where you can download the final copy of the Task Force Report. http://www.faccc.org/Student_Success_Task_Force.html.
Here is a copy of a recent letter sent to the California Community College Governing Board by the Council of Faculty Organizations (CoFO) CoFoSSTFLetter.
The 73-page “Draft Recommendations of the Student Success Task Force,” published September 30, 2011, have provoked substantial responses from nearly every statewide faculty organization. Some of these have been published; many are still in the works.
The UF strongly suggests that all faculty members review the recommendations (click here to download the PDF) and share your thoughts and concerns with the Task Force and the State Chancellor’s Office by logging onto their blog at http://studentsuccess.ideascale.com. Since the process began, in response to feedback, the SSTF has made some changes to their recommendations. Here is the letter detailing those changes: SSTF_taskforcememo_14nov2011.
You may also review some of the public responses here:
FACCC_SSTF_Response_Ltr (from the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges
Resolution from the California Community College Independents (CCCI) [endorsed by the Statewide Academic Senate]
CTA/CCA Feedback Regarding CCC Student Success Taskforce Recommendations
Initial Response from Statewide Academic Senate
CCC EOPS Association SSTF Position
California Part-Time Faculty Association_SSTF_Response
Campaign for College Opportunity Letter Endorsing the Recommendations