Appendix PT 1-5

For usable versions of these forms, please download the PDF of the UF Contract from our website and print out the forms.



Department:  _________________________ College __________________  Date: ______________


Dear ____________________________________________________:
(Faculty Member)

In response to your application for staffing preference, this letter is to inform you that your most recent faculty evaluations have been reviewed by your department chair and division dean, in keeping with Article 25.2.2 of the United Faculty/CCCCD Contract, to determine your eligibility for part-time staffing preference.  The results of that review are listed below.

☐        You have qualified for staffing preference, per Article 25 of the UF/CCCCD Contract.  Your rights and responsibilities are outlined in Article 25.  Of particular note, you must complete and return to your department chair a staffing preference form (such as Appendix PT-5) by the deadline established by your department.  This obligates your department to offer you your historical load (modal load), if possible, every semester, so long as you retain staffing preference.  Your modal load will be communicated to you during the next scheduling cycle.  For details, refer to Article 25.

☐        Your most recent evaluations do not qualify you for staffing preference at this time.   You may reapply

for staffing preference following your next regularly scheduled evaluation.

☐        You do not qualify for staffing preference due to the following disqualifying condition:

☐        You have not submitted final grades for a class in a timely fashion (within 10 working days of the last day of instruction for the semester) within the previous four semesters taught.

☐        You have not submitted census roster or positive daily attendance rosters by the prescribed deadline on more than one occasion for a period encompassing the four most recent teaching semesters.

☐        You have been absent from class, lab, or assigned staffing hours without proper notification or justification to the division or instruction office on more than one occasion for a period encompassing the four most recent teaching semesters having received a warning for at least one absence.

☐        You have been the subject of persistent unresolved and substantiated student complaints alleging violations of Education Code 87732.

☐        The District has found you to have violated a specific section of Education Code 87732.

☐        You have not taught or have declined all assignments offered for the previous two teaching semesters (not including absences covered under the CMFLA).

After the seventh semester of teaching in a department, all faculty may apply (or reapply) for staffing preference following every regularly scheduled evaluation.  If you have questions about the process, the decision communicated by this form, or your appeal rights under the contract, please contact your United Faculty representative.

___________________________________                    _____________________________________________

Department Chair                                                                                Division Dean




Department: _____________________   College: ____________________________ Date: ________________

Dear _____________________________________________________:
(Faculty member)


This letter is to inform you that you are at risk of losing staffing preference per Article 25.4 of the UF/CCCCD Contract.  The specific reason(s) for this warning is (are) listed below.

☐        You have not submitted census rosters or positive daily attendance rosters by the prescribed deadline during a period encompassing the four most recent teaching semesters.  A second failure to submit rosters on time will result in your losing staffing preference.

☐        You have been absent from class, lab, or assigned staffing hours without proper notification or justification to the division or instruction office during a period encompassing the four most recent teaching semesters.  A second absence without proper notification will result in your losing staffing preference.

☐        You have not taught or have declined all assignments offered for the previous teaching semesters (not including absences covered under the CMFLA).  If you decline teaching assignments for the next semester, you will lose staffing preference.

☐        You are at risk of losing staffing preference due to another disqualifying condition, per Article 25.4.  The specific reason is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

After the seventh semester of teaching in a department, all faculty may apply (or reapply) for staffing preference following every regularly scheduled evaluation.  If you have questions about the process, the decision communicated by this form, or your appeal rights under the contract, please contact your United Faculty representative.

__________________________________________                   ______________________________

Department Chair                                                                                                  Division Dean




Date: _________________________________________

Dear _____________________________________________:
(Faculty Member)

You are hereby notified that you have lost staffing preference in the following department:

________________________________________                       _______________________________

Department Name                                                                                                College


The reason for your loss of preference status is listed below:

☐        You have not submitted final grades for a class in a timely fashion (within 10 working days of the last day of instruction for the semester) within the previous four semesters taught.

☐        You have not submitted census rosters or positive daily attendance rosters by the prescribed deadline on more than one occasion for a period encompassing the four most recent teaching semesters.

☐        You have been absent from class, lab, or assigned staffing hours without proper notification or justification to the division or instruction office on more than one occasion for a period encompassing the four most recent teaching semesters.

☐        You have been the subject of persistent unresolved and substantiated student complaints alleging violations of Education Code 87732.

☐        The District has found you to have violated a specific section of Education Code 87732.

☐        You have not taught or have declined all assignments offered for the previous two teaching semesters (not including absences covered under the CMFLA).

You have the right to request a hearing, per Article 25.4.2 of the UF/CCCCD Contract, to appeal this decision on procedural grounds.  After the seventh semester of teaching in a department, all faculty may apply (or reapply) for staffing preference following every regularly scheduled evaluation.  If you have questions about the process, the decision communicated by this form, or your appeal rights under the contract, please contact your United Faculty representative.

_______________________________________            ___________________________________________

Department Chair                                                                                   Division Dean




Dear Faculty Member:

This letter is to inform you that the ____________________________________________________ Department

at ______________ College, in which you have staffing preference, is unable to offer you your full historical load

for the upcoming semester: ________________________________.

Fall/Spring, Year


According to our records, your historical load (modal load or median load, per Article 25 of the UF/CCCCD Contract) is __________________________________________________________________________________________.

However, the Department is only able to offer you the following schedule/load for the coming semester:  __________________________________________________________________________________________


☐        We have verified that no part-time faculty without staffing preference have been offered

load that should have been offered to you, per Article 25 of the UF/CCCCD Contract.

The Department hopes to be able to return you to your historical load in the future.  If you have questions about the information communicated by this form or want to review your rights under the contract, please contact your United Faculty representative.

CC:  United Faculty of CCCD; Division Dean or Office of Instruction



DATE:  _______________________

If you are interested in an adjunct assignment, please complete this form and return it to your department chair prior to the deadline established by your department, per Article 25.7.6 of the UF/CCCCD Contract.   Please note that in the fall and spring semesters, all hourly assignments are limited to 67% of a full-time load district-wide.   Thank you for your interest.   Not turning in this form does not change modal load or preference.

Name: __________________________________ Department and College: ___________________________________


Scheduling for the up-coming Semester:      Fall  Spring              Year: ________________

☐        I am requesting the same schedule I had last fall/spring.

☐        I am requesting a change in my schedule.

☐        I would like to add a class or increase my load if there is an opportunity.

Preferred schedule for next semester: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


Teaching Assignments for Last Two Semesters (not counting summer):

Fall (year: ________________):   ______________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________


Spring (year: ________________): _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

Modal Load (if known):  ___________________________________

Courses I have taught in the Department previously:


Additional courses for which I am qualified and would like to teach:



Are you available and interested in an assignment in the summer session?                   Yes      No

If yes, are you available for assignments on nights or on Saturdays?                               Yes      No


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