We are United Faculty of Contra Costa Community College District. We negotiate and enforce contracts on behalf of all faculty in the District. We represent faculty in disciplinary cases and grievances. And we serve as a resource and strive in every way to improve working conditions. We are an “exclusive representative” and “independent collective bargaining association,” a member of the California Community College Independents (CCCI) and the Bay Faculty Association (BFA), and contract members of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) working for our faculty at the local and State levels.
To join the UF, all you need to do is complete a short membership form and send it to our office (either electronically to uf@uf4cd.org or by campus mail to United Faculty, DVC… or by US Post: United Faculty of 4CD, 321 GOLF CLUB ROAD FO-121, PLEASANT HILL, CA 94523.
Here is the Membership Form for a Part-Time Faculty Member: UF PT Membership Enrollment Form 2025
Here is the membership Form for a Full-Time Faculty Member: UF FT Membership Enrollment Form 2025
This year marks an historic moment in our negotiating history – a three-year contract that will make more progress towards part-time pay equity (parity) than at any time in our district’s history! The new agreement promises many important changes to Parity/Salary and Academic Freedom (employment protections) for Part-Time Faculty.’
Become a member of United Faculty! Only members get to vote to ratify new agreements!
As an Independent collective bargaining association, our dues are some the lowest in California! UF PART-TIME DUES = 0.0035 of my gross salary, .42 cents per month for the PAF (political action fund) and $5.25 per month for FACCC (the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges) payable monthly to the United Faculty of the CCCCD District and FACCC for professional dues.
Having a strong union that represents part-time faculty is worth the small investment. Join now, and stand up for better pay and working conditions!
UF FULL-TIME DUES = 0.55% of my regular salary each month and 0.35% of any overload each month for UF member dues District plus $2.50 per month UF PAC contribution payable to United Faculty of Contra Costa Community College, and $15.75 per month payable to the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges Education Institute as FACCC EI member dues (per UF/FACCC contract) with no additional fees.
Do you have questions about membership? Call Lorena Cortez in the UF Office: 925-680-1771.