Instructors, counselors, librarians, nurses and other academic employees employed on an annual basis by action of the Governing Board of the Contra Costa Community College District shall be placed on the salary schedule and assigned to one of the seven classes as follows:
Condition 1: Associate of Arts Degree plus six (6) years work experience in the field of the assigned discipline (Vocational Education Only)
Condition 2: Bachelor’s Degree plus two (2) years work experience
Condition 3: Possess a valid Community College Credential (no longer issued)
Condition 4: Meet designated requirements for an equivalency in the assigned discipline
Condition 1: Associate of Arts Degree plus 9, 10 or 11 years work experience in the field of the assigned discipline (Vocational Education Only)*
Condition 2: Bachelor’s Degree plus 15 (fifteen) approved semester units of college grade beyond the degree
Condition VE: 15 (fifteen) approved semester units of college grade beyond a Class I placement**
Condition 1: Associate of Arts Degree plus 12, 13 or 14 years work experience in the field of the assigned discipline (Vocational Education Only)*
Condition 2: Bachelor’s Degree plus 30 (thirty) approved semester units of college grade beyond the degree.
Condition 3: Master’s Degree
Condition VE: 30 (thirty) approved semester units of college grade beyond a Class I placement**
Condition 1: Associate of Arts Degree plus 15, 16 or 17 years work experience in the field of the assigned discipline (Vocational Education Only)*
Condition 2: Bachelor’s Degree plus 45 (forty-five) approved semester units of college grade beyond the degree
Condition 3: Master’s Degree plus (15) approved semester units of college grade beyond the degree.
Condition VE: 45 (forty-five) approved semester units of college grade beyond a Class I placement**
Condition 1: Associate of Arts Degree plus 18, 19 or 20 years work experience in the field of the assigned discipline (Vocational Education Only)*
Condition 2: Bachelor’s Degree plus 60 (sixty) approved semester units of college grade beyond the degree
Condition 3: Master’s Degree plus 30 (thirty) approved semester units of college grade beyond the degree.
Condition VE: 60 (sixty) approved semester units of college grade beyond a Class I placement**
Condition 1: Associate of Arts Degree plus 21, 22 or 23 years work experience in the field of the assigned discipline (Vocational Education Only)*
Condition 2: Bachelor’s Degree plus 75 (seventy-five) approved semester units of college grade beyond the degree
Condition 3: Master’s Degree plus 45 (forty-five) approved semester units of college grade beyond the degree
Condition VE: 75 (seventy-five) approved semester units of college grade beyond a Class I placement**
Condition 1: Associate of Arts Degree plus 24 or more years work experience in the field of the assigned discipline (Vocational Education Only)*
Condition 2: Bachelor’s Degree plus 90 (ninety) approved semester units of college grade the degree
Condition 3: Master’s Degree plus 60 (sixty) approved semester units of college grade beyond the degree
Condition 4: Doctorate
Condition VE: 90 (ninety) approved semester units of college grade beyond a Class I placement**
*Full-time work experience used to meet minimum qualifications in a vocational discipline will not be included in salary step placement calculation. Condition 1 only applies for initial class placement at time of employment as a regular faculty member.
**Condition VE is only for vocational education instructors and only for moving across the salary classes after being initially employed as a regular faculty member.