Here are the approved Evaluation Guidebooks that now comprise Appendix X of the UF Contract. Electronic versions of the evaluation forms are available here. (The forms in the guidebooks are only samples; please use the electronic versions.)
All of the guidebooks and forms, as well as evaluation training and other resources, are also available on on our new Evaluation Training Hub Canvas Site. To enroll in the UF Evaluations Canvas Course and have access to all the forms and materials on Canvas, use this link:
There are 21 separate guidebooks, each devoted to a specific faculty group (part-time; probationary; full-time; classroom; librarian; counselor; etc.). Each book contains all the relevant forms and procedures for each group. The guidebooks have been updated as of 2/2025.
x2.1 part-time online asynchronous classroom
x2.2-probationary-online-asynchronous classroom
x2.3 tenured online asynchronous classroom
x7.1 Part-Time Online Synchronous Classroom
x7.2 Probationary Online Synchronous Classroom
x7.3 Tenured Online Synchronous Classroom
If you have questions about the evaluation forms or procedures, please contact the UF Office at 925-680-1771 or
Note that all these guidebooks are formatted as PDFs. If for any reason, you need access to a guidebook in another format (such as a Word Doc), please let us know.