MAC USERS: Evaluation Forms

Here are the evaluation forms for Mac Users, updated 1/1/2016.

For instructions and tips on using the new forms, click here: New Eval Form Instructions.

Optional Checklists for Evaluators and Evaluation Committees:

Part Time Evaluation Checklist

Peer Review Committee Checklist (for evaluation of tenured faculty)

Tenure Review Committee Checklist (for evaluation of probationary faculty)

Forms for classroom (face-t0-face) faculty:

Classroom Observation PLAN Form: MAC-ClassObsPlanF2F (to be completed by evaluatee)

Classroom Observation Form: MAC-ClassObsFormF2F (one form to be completed by each evaluator)

Summary Form: MAC-SummaryEvalForm (one form to be completed by evaluator or evaluation committee)

Improvement Plan Form: MAC-ImprovementPlan (one form to be completed by evaluation committee if needed)

Self-Evaluation Form: MAC-SelfEvaluation (to be completed by evaluatee … only the narrative portion should be submitted)

Evaluation Stipend Form: Faculty Evaluation Stipend 2015 (to be completed by each evaluator for compensation)

Forms for on-line faculty:

Classroom Observation PLAN Form: MAC-ClassObsPlanOnLine

Classroom Observation Form: MAC-ClassObsFormOnLine

Summary Form: MAC-SummaryEvalForm (one form to be completed by evaluator or evaluation committee)

Improvement Plan Form: MAC-ImprovementPlan (one form to be completed by evaluation committee if needed)

Self-Evaluation Form: MAC-SelfEvaluation (to be completed by evaluatee … only the narrative portion should be submitted)

Evaluation Stipend Form: Faculty Evaluation Stipend 2015 (to be completed by each evaluator for compensation)

Forms for Counselors (note: the observation form is not yet updated to spell-check)

Counselor Observation Form: NEW-Workplace Observation Form for Counselors (each evaluator completes one)

Self-Evaluation Form for Counselors: Self Evaluation for Counselors (for evaluatee to complete)

Summary Report Form: MACSummaryEvalForm: (one form to be completed by evaluator or evaluation committee)

Improvement Plan Form: MAC-ImprovementPlan (one form to be completed by evaluation committee if needed)

Evaluation Stipend Form: Faculty Evaluation Stipend 2015 (to be completed by each evaluator for compensation)

Forms for Librarians (note: the observation form is not yet updated to spell-check)

Librarian Observation Form: NEW-Workplace Observation Form for Librarians (each evaluator completes one)

*NOTE: for Library Workshops, use the Classroom Observation Form.  There is a different Student Eval form for library workshops, but not a different Observation Form.

Self-Evaluation Form for Librarians: Self Evaluation Librarians (for evaluatee to complete)

Summary Report Form: MACSummaryEvalForm: (one form to be completed by evaluator or evaluation committee)

Improvement Plan Form: MAC-ImprovementPlan (one form to be completed by evaluation committee if needed)

Evaluation Stipend Form: Faculty Evaluation Stipend 2015 (to be completed by each evaluator for compensation)

Forms for Learning Disabilities Specialists (note: observation form has not yet been updated to spell-check)

LDS Observation Form: NEW-Workplace Observation Form for Learning Disabilities Specialists (each evaluator completes one)

LDS Self Evaluation Form: LDS Self Evaluation E (for evaluatees to complete)

Summary Report Form: MACSummaryEvalForm: (one form to be completed by evaluator or evaluation committee)

Improvement Plan Form: MAC-ImprovementPlan (one form to be completed by evaluation committee if needed)

Evaluation Stipend Form: Faculty Evaluation Stipend 2015 (to be completed by each evaluator for compensation)