Social Security Fairness for Faculty

Action Alert!     Suspend the WEP/GPO to stimulate the economy!

Right NOW, as Congress is getting into discussion of how to create a stimulus, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVE!

Tell your Congressperson (or the aide):

Make the suspension of the WEP and GPO penalties part of the stimulus.  Retirees will spend any stimulus money they are sent to repair their homes, visit their grandchildren, and replace or fix their old cars.  The payments will go right back into the economy, and Congress will be sending seniors the money they have rightfully earned in the first place!


The Congressional switchboard 24 hours a day and ask for your representative’s office:                           1 (202) 224 3121

Or use this toll free number—1 (877) 851-6437


EMAIL—- Go to , fill in your Zip Code, and you will get a link to your House Member’s website.  On the website there should be an email comment process.

FAX —- Find the local or D.C. fax number on the website and FAX your letter. (Because of security screening measures, mailed letters take at least two weeks to get there)

Give this information to everyone you know!  Especially, send it out to family and friends in other states.

Copy it and pass it out at schools and other workplaces!

Thank you,

The Committee for Social Security Fairness

Contact us:

In it to win in 2010!  Repeal the WEP and the GPO!