A. Kaiser Group Health (pre-existing conditions are not excluded)
Not based on load or employment as long as maintain FACCC membership.
Kaiser plans come in various ranges of cost and coverage from Copayment Plans to Deductible Plans.
Run through JC Insurance — for more information contact Scott Lucas @ scottlucas2@prodigy.net or call 800-552-6427.
B. BenElect Voluntary Benefit Plan (sort of like AFLAC).
1) FlexShield for limited benefit medical plan to cover accident/sickness
2) CriticalMed a package to help with catastrophic medical events
3) Deductible Assist a ‘first dollar” coverage for those who are financially unprepared to meet their deductibles and coinsurance on a high deductible plans
4) PatientPlus Card a Healthcare saving program with price comparison tools
Run through Keenan and Associates a Ternian Insurance Group
C. Keenan Saver Rx Card — a free pharmacy discount card that lets you access prescription drugs at a significant discount. This card can be used by PT employee, friends and family members, retirees who have reached the Medicare “donut hole” and any employee with pharmacy benefits when purchasing any non-covered pharmaceuticals. Discounts 5-40%. Administered by Envision Rx Options.
II. Delta Dental
A. Delta Dental PPO allows more choice through access to the Delta PPO dentist networks with reduced fees for covered procedures. About twice the cost of the HMO, but more flexible.
B. DeltaCare USA (HMO) dental plan features set copayments, no annual deductibles and no maximums for covered benefits. More cost effective.
Get more information at: www.deltadentalins.com
III. CSEA Benefits [California State Employees Association]
This association has more than 140,000 members and through this organization and its buying power, members are eligible for discounts on everything from trips to Disneyland to purchasing home insurance, from buying a new computer to a box of See’s Candies.
A. Insurance: life, disability, long-term care, accident, travel, auto and home
B. Home mortgages: work with CalPERS-endorsed professionals at Well Fargo for top-tier service
C. Electronics: Purchase system for new computers through payroll deduction including Dell, Acer, Compaq, HP and Lenovo.
D. Groceries: Through CSEA you can qualify for special discounts through Safeway’s online shopping and home delivery, See’s Candies and HoneyBaked Ham gift certificates.
E. Auto purchase and rentals: Discounts at National, Alamo, Avis, Hertz and Budget.
F. Family Entertainment: Discounts at numerous theme parks such as Disneyland, Six Flags, Magic Mountain, Sea World, Great America, Knott’s Berry Farm, Aquarium of the Pacific, Monterey Bay Aquarium, San Diego Zoo. Discounted movie tickets at AMC, Regal and Cinemark theaters. Discounted cruise and hotel/motel prices.
G. Assistance Services: free and discounted legal care and identity theft protection for members including the Emergency Assistance Plus Plan when sick or hurt while traveling in the US or overseas.
IV. Cal STRS Pension 2
This is the STRS supplementary savings program created in 1994. Pension2 gives members an effective way to save through tax advantaged, payroll deductions. It includes such things as 403(b), Roth 403(b), 457, Roth IRA. Pension2 is administered by TIAA-CREF.
V. Prepaid Legal
FACCC also has a prepaid Legal plan for educators. You can get more information about this on the FACCC website at www.faccc.org
VI. FACCC Membership
To become a member of FACCC through payroll deduction:
PT: costs $5/month for 10 months (or $50/year).
FT: costs $18/month for 10 months.
To enroll you can fill out a card (get one from me) or go to the FACCC website at www.faccc.org or contact the FACCC membership director (Byran Ha) directly at bha@faccc.org You may list me as sponsor: Deborah Shanks.
If you sign up for payroll deduction (which is the easiest), then you will receive a $25 gas card (PT) or $75 gas card (FT) — in essence 50% off the first year.
Even if you stop teaching in the CCC system or lose or change jobs, you may retain your membership in FACCC and any of the above benefits.