To download a PDF of the full Tentative Agreement for 2009/10, click here: Tentative Agreement 2009-2010.
The UF will hold a ratification vote beginning October 26 with votes due in the UF Office by noon on November 11. Paper ballots with instructions will be delivered to all members via campus mailboxes on or before October 26.
The UF is also holding open meetings to discuss the Agreement. The schedule is as follows:
LMC: Tues., 10/20, 12:30-2pm, Rm 223
DVC: Wed., 10/21, 2-3:30pm, LA 208-B
SRC: Tues., 10/27, 12:30-2pm, Rm TBA
CCC: Thurs., 10/29, 12:30-2pm, LA 207
If you have comments or questions about the Tentative Agreement, you may email UF President Jeff Michels at