The UF is pleased to announce our first-ever Health, Benefits and Retirement Conference to be held on March 18 at DVC. Follow this link to register on-line:
We’re planning a total of twelve workshops on three tracks (with faculty welcome to move between tracks and pick any four sessions):
Track one covers Health Benefits for Full-Time Faculty; Long-Term Health Care; Social Security and Medicare; and “Know Your Contract”: Leave Options (including banked load, maternity, personal necessity leave, family leave, etc.).
Track two covers Part-Time Health Benefits; Part-Time Retirement; EDD/SDI/PFL; Reemployment Staffing Preference and other PT contract issues.
Track three is our STRS track, covering CalSTRS Fundamentals for FT Faculty; STRS Pension2 (financial planning and investment strategies); Attacks on Public Pensions; and a STRS Primer: “Getting Ready to Retire.”
The Keynote Speaker at lunch will be Sharon Hendricks, the Retirement Liaison from LA Guild/CFT and a member of the FACCC Retirement Committee. She is well versed on the STRS system and the current attack on public pensions.
A number of vendors will also be attending and setting up information tables, including: STRS, STRS Pension2, Keenan & Associates, Kaiser, VSP, Delta Dental, HealthNet, Managed Health Services and FACCC.
The conference is FREE to UF members, and open to faculty from other districts (if you have friends you would like to invite) at a cost of $25. The UF will be providing breakfast and lunch. Participants will be limited to no more than 125 people (and registration is first-come, first-served). This event is also good for flex credit.
If you have questions about the Conference, please contact Deborah Dahl-Shanks ( or Stuart Lichter (