UF E-Board Election for CCC FT Representative

The timeline for our election is as follows.

Voting will begin using our normal election procedures starting 10/17 with votes due by noon on 10/31.  Only UF members from CCC will be eligible to vote in this particular election. (Each college elects its own representatives to the UF when we have more candidates than we have open spots.)

Please note that each voting link is unique.  If you know someone who did not receive a voting link, ask that member to contact the UF Office at 925-680-1771. We can also process votes by phone or email at uf@uf4cd.org.

Here are brief statements from each candidate:

Candidate for FT Rep, CCC, UF E-Board:  Manu Ampim

Prof. Manu Ampim has been a professor of History and Africana Studies at Contra Costa College since 2006.  He is the Chair of the History, Anthropology, and Geography (HAG) Department, President of the CCC African American Staff Association, and co-founder of the Per Ankh Academy learning community.  Annually, he leads short-term (15-day) study abroad summer sessions to Kemet (Egypt) and Ethiopia. He is a noted scholar who has published several books, and has conducted extensive field research in museums, libraries, archaeological sites, and among various indigenous communities in two dozen countries over the past 34 years.

Ampim has made important contributions to diversity, equity, and racial justice in the 4CD, and has been a United Faculty executive board member since 2017.


Candidate for FT Rep, CCC, UF E-Board: Sherry Sharufa

I am excited to have the opportunity to apply for a leadership position on the UF Board. I am celebrating my 21st year as a Math Professor at Contra Costa College. I have enjoyed and grown from various leadership roles held during my tenure. Last semester, I temporarily served as the United Faculty Vice President (UF VP) for Contra Costa.

Serving as the UF VP highlighted the importance the Union plays in supporting all faculty. In my role as the UF VP, I participated in negotiations for health insurance benefits for part-timers, volunteered my time at the annual United Faculty Benefits and Retirement Conference and attended the California Community College Independents Conference. The experience maximized my exposure to union activities and showed me that we have board members who care about all faculty.

I am inspired to continue to be involved with the union. I value all voices and will work hard to make sure that the needs of both full and part-time faculty are heard and translated into an improved and supported work environment.


Candidate for FT Rep, CCC, UF E-Board:  Jennifer Ounjian

I am excited to announce my candidacy for a seat on the UF Board. My journey within the 4CD community began in the 1990s as a wide-eyed student, unaware of the profound impact it would have on my life and career. Little did I know that I would not only become a lifelong member of the CCC family but also witness my own children embark on their educational journey from this campus.

My professional journey within 4CD has been both diverse and rewarding. Starting as classified staff at DVC, I eventually transitioned into a 10-year role as a manager in Student Life at CCC. It was in a time of district transition that I found my passion and have spent the past 12 years as CCC faculty. My time within these various roles has given me a comprehensive understanding of the intricate web that makes up our educational community.

In my role as an educator and administrator, I have worn many hats. Some days I have been the passionate innovator, blazing trails and advocating for change. On other days, I have found myself sifting through the email archives, searching for that obscure policy document that “I know we worked on in 2015.” This duality of roles has honed my ability to navigate the complex landscape of our district, bridging the gap between tradition and progress.

Throughout the years, I have had the privilege of serving on numerous committees, both locally and district-wide. My contributions have extended across committees such as DGC, College Council, Distance Ed, CIC, and Enrollment Management, among others. These experiences have given me an advantage; I have had a seat on each side of the decision-making table, granting me unique insight into the priorities and motivations of each constituency group.

In the face of the countless changes that have shaped CCC over the past two decades, one constant remains: the deep pride we each have in the work we do and the community we serve. We cherish our traditions while eagerly embrace innovation. As I embark on the golden years of my career as a CCC employee, I am eager to step up and advocate for the rights of all my faculty colleagues, full and part-time.

I am committed to representing your interests on the UF Board. I seek your trust in safeguarding our traditions while opening the doors to innovation, ensuring that we can all move forward together.  Your support would be an honor, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve and advance the shared mission of faculty within the 4CD community.

Thank you for considering my candidacy, and I am excited to work together to shape the future of faculty.