Here is the full text of our Tentative Agreement on Compensation for 2021-2022: UF_4CD TA on Compensation.
Our ratification vote begins Monday, January 24, and votes are due by noon on Thursday, February 16, 2022. On Monday, all UF members should receive a unique voting link from a no-reply sender via campus email. Please do not share voting links. Each link can only be used. If you do not receive your voting link, or if you prefer to vote by email or by phone, contact Lorena Cortez in the UF Office: 925-680-1771 or Only UF members can vote in UF elections. If you are not a member of the UF and would like to join, contact Lorena.
Although this is mainly an implementation plan for the third year (2021-22) of the 2019-20, 2020-21, an 2021-22 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), because some provisions of the last CBA (related to the part-time faculty “parity plan” and the switch from hourly pay to pay-per-load for some classroom assignments) cannot be implemented until 2022-2023, 4CD and UF have agreed to some additional provisions and extensions, as outlined in the TA (including a one-year, one-time off-schedule bonus that will sunset when the parity plan is implemented in fall of 2022). Since this implementation plan modifies the last CBA, we have agreed to treat it as a new TA and seek ratification from UF and 4CD.
UF has agreed to hold a ratification vote at the start of the spring 2022 semester and to notify 4CD of results by 2pm on February 4, 2022. The 4CD Governing Board will agendize the TA for ratification at their meeting on February 16, 2022.
UF has scheduled three zoom meetings for faculty to get more information about the TA (or any other issue as the spring 2022 semester gets underway): these are Wednesday, January 26, 10-11am; Thursday, January 27, 5-6pm; and Friday, January 28, 12noon-1pm. For the zoom links, please check this week’s UF Update (sent late in the day on Monday, January 24), or contact Lorena in the UF Office.