Agreement for 2013-2014

Here is the full text of the Tentative Agreement between the United Faculty and Contra Costa Community College District for 2013/2014: UF 4CD 13-14 TA – Final.

The UF ratification vote is underway.  Votes are due back in the UF Office by noon on May 22.  Ballots have been delivered to faculty mailboxes.  If you are a UF member and did not receive a ballot, or if you need a replacement ballot or would prefer to vote by phone, fax or email, contact Terri Adame in the UF Office: 925-680-1771 or

The United Faculty Executive Board has unanimously voted to recommend that members vote yes to ratify this agreement.  A summary of the agreement is printed on the back of the ballot, and the TA is discussed in the May 8 issue of Table Talk.