For faculty who wish to more fully understand the nationwide push towards performance-based funding and “greater accountability” in higher education, the UF recommends the book, Performance Funding for Higher Education by Kevin J. Dougherty et al. Published by Johns Hopkins Press and funded in part by the Lumina Foundation, this book has been referenced both by supporters of performance-based funding and those opposed to it.
Also, to better inform faculty about the issues being debated in Sacramento, here are some useful documents and resources:
• The Governor’s Budget Proposal for Community Colleges : governors budget proposal 2018
• The CEO Workgroup Counterproposal to the Governor’s Funding Formula Proposal (a working draft): draft_ceo_fiscal_affairs_joint_funding_formula_recommendations
• An initial response to the budget by the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC): FACCC Budget Letter 2018
• The full letter from the California Community College Independents (CCCI) on the budget formula (some of which
was reprinted in Table Talk: CCCI Budget Letter 2018
• A PDF of “Why Faculty Matter: The Role of Faculty in the Success of Community College Students,” a new report and
annotated bibliography published by the FACCC Education Institute: Faculty Research Paper-1
• “The 50% Law and the Faculty Obligation Number: An Updated Proposal,” (the product of a management/faculty workgroup
established by the State Chancellor’s Office: 50% Law and FON Updated Proposal 02 26 18
• “Why Performance-Based College Funding Doesn’t Work,” by Nicholas Hillman, a 2016 report published by
the Century Foundation. A good general overview of existing research: Why-Performance-Based-Funding-Doesnt-Work
• “Janus and Fair Share Fees,” a report published by the Economic Policy Institute on the case now under review
by the US Supreme court: Janus Summary
We welcome your questions and comments as we seek to represent faculty in budget discussions in Sacramento this year! Email if you want to discuss any of these issues raised by these readings.