Q: Who is eligible?
A: If you are a part-time faculty member with 4CD who has been employed with the district for the last two semesters, and had average 40% or greater total load over those two semesters (Fall 2024 and Spring 2024), and who does not have other health insurance, you are likely eligible! You may add a summer assignment to the prior spring semester to get to the average 40% load level required.
Q: Can I cover my dependents?
A: Yes! You may elect single, two-party, or family coverage.
Q: How much will I pay?
A: 4CD will cover 94% of the cost for Kaiser coverage and 97% of the cost for Anthem Blue Cross. This matches or exceeds what full-timers receive!
Q: When can I enroll?
A: Open enrollment for the Spring 2025 semester is: 1/17/2025 – 2/7/2025
Q: How do I get more details and sign up?
A: You can sign up through 4CD HR here: 4CD Human Resources – Benefits or email 4CD HR here for more details: benefits@4cd.edu
Q: I’m not a member of the United Faculty! 🙁 How do I sign up?
A: Welcome, colleague! Sign up to become a member of our union here: Become a United Faculty Member – Forms
The full tentative agreement negotiated by United Faculty can be accessed here: Tentative Agreement on Part-Time Faculty Health Insurance 2023