Tentative Agreement for 2011-12

Here is the full text of our Tentative Agreement for 2011-12.  The ratification vote for this agreement will begin Monday, May 9 with votes due in the UF office (by paper ballot, fax, email or phone) by noon on Monday, May 23.  Ballots and a new issue of Table Talk discussing the TA should be in faculty mailboxes by the end of the day on Friday, May 6.

Click here for a PDF of the TA:  TA Final 2011-12

The UF will be holding meetings at each campus to discuss the TA as follows:

CCC:  Monday, May 9, 12:30-2pm, Room LA 107

LMC:  Tuesday, May 10, 12:30-2pm, Room TBA

DVC:  Thursday, May 12, 12:30-2pm, Room L-151 (Library Media Room)

SRC:   Monday, May 16, 12:30-2pm, Room W204

We are also happy to answer questions or discuss the Agreement by email or phone.  UF President Jeff Michels can be reached at ufjeffmichels@gmail.com or 925-330-2125 (cell).