The best way to look at the contract or review a section of the contract is to download the full PDF version.
Here is the latest version of the UF Contract: 2022-2025 UF_4CD Contract
This version is formatted as an outline that is reasonably easy to follow, and once you have downloaded it, you can keep the copy on your computer to consult as needed.
You may also consult the individual articles listed to the right, but these are not formatted quite as well (at least not yet…we’re working on it). On the other hand, they are searchable using our “search the site” tool in the top right corner of this page. You can search for any word or phrase, and our search engine will search both the whole contract and other parts of our web page. This is a good tool if you’re not sure where a subject is covered in the contract. Please note that some of the articles to the right (posted individually) are now out of date. They need to be updated for 2022-2025 to reflect the latest agreement. We will get this done ASAP. While this red message is here, however, please use ONLY the PDF.
Of course, if you need anything you can’t find, please contact the UF.